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How To Stop Night Sweats

suffering with night sweats

What Are Night Sweats?


If you’re one of the many people who suffers from night sweats (excessive sweating at night), you might be wondering what the causes are and whether you should be concerned.

“True night sweats are described as extreme hot flashes that occur at night and can saturate sleepwear and sheets,” says Laura M. Rosch, DO, a Wheaton, Illinois-based osteopathic internal medicine specialist.

If you get night sweats on a regular basis, they are interrupting your sleep, or they are accompanied by a fever or other symptoms, such as unexplained weight loss, you should see your doctor.


“Your doctor will review your complete medical history and may run testing such as blood counts, virus and thyroid tests to see if you have any underlying medical disorders that could be to blame,” Dr. Rosch explains.


Rather than treating symptoms, doctors of osteopathic medicine, or DOs, focus on prevention by looking at how your lifestyle and surroundings affect your health.


Night sweats are caused by a variety of factors.


Your level of anxiety

If you’re anxious or agitated, you’ve definitely experienced the terror of attempting to fall asleep (or back to sleep after waking up).

Dr. Ram explains, “An hyperactive mind revs up your brain and body, which can result in perspiration.”

?Dr. Ram’s stress-reduction recommendations before bedtime:

  • ?Schedule time to unwind. Take a warm shower before night, avoid screen time and devices, or read a book.
  • ?Create a soothing environment. Make sure the lights are dimmed, the music is muted or muffled, and the environment is cool.
  • ?Consult your physician. Recurrent or long-term anxiety and tension could indicate a more serious mental health problem, such as anxiety disorder or depression.

You’re in the throes of menopause

Unlike hot flashes, which occur during the day, night sweats are a typical nighttime symptom in women going through menopause. In most cases, the symptoms of night sweats will wake you up after they have already occurred.

Many women, on the other hand, discover that by making simple lifestyle modifications like: ? Eating well, they may reduce night sweats and other symptoms of menopause with reasonable ease.

  • Exercising on a regular basis.
  • Defending the skin from the sun’s rays.
  • Making sure you’re getting the correct vitamins and supplements (particularly vitamin D3 if you live in a northern climate).
  • Maintaining a high level of involvement in life.

According to Dr. Ford, if you’re going through menopause, eliminating triggers like caffeine, alcohol, spicy foods, and cigarettes may help you feel better.

“Making appropriate health choices will often result in occurrences reducing over time ? the majority of women who have night sweats find that they fade away within a few years,” he says. “Only a small fraction of women manage to keep going after that.”

Types of Medication

Night sweats have been linked to a number of medications8. These include antidepressants known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), steroids, and fever-relieving medications like aspirin or acetaminophen, which might increase sweating in some people.


Caffeine use might lead to excessive perspiration. Night sweats might be exacerbated by alcohol and drug use9.

Chronic sweating

Idiopathic hyperhidrosis is a medical disease in which the body produces excessive perspiration on a regular basis for no apparent reason.


Night sweats can be a warning sign of certain cancers. Undiagnosed cancer, on the other hand, is characterised by extra symptoms such as unexplained weight loss and fever.


Because hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, can cause sweating, patients who take blood sugar-lowering drugs, such as insulin and oral anti-diabetics, may sweat at night.


Stress and emotional issues that cause you to sweat during the day can often lead you to sweat at night.

How to Get Better Sleep and Stop Night Sweats

In some circumstances, changing one’s lifestyle can help with night sweats. While the causes may vary, relief may be found by examining each situation individually.

If you have night sweats due to gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), Dr. Ford recommends avoiding eating just before bed and raising the head of the bed.

Maintaining your general health in terms of cardiovascular function, food, and weight might assist influence your symptoms if you are suffering perimenopause, menopause, or other hormone imbalance-based medical disorders. Consult your physician for precise suggestions.

When should you see a doctor?


Try to eliminate the practical reasons of night sweats from your daily routine and sleeping environment before going to the doctor. Dr. Rosch suggests, “Make sure your bedroom is at a comfortable temperature for sleeping, remove excess covers from your bed, and avoid exercising or eating hot foods late at night.” ?Make an appointment with your family physician if your night sweats persist.?

According to Dr. Ford, the majority of reasons of night sweats are not dangerous. “However, there are enough additional explanations that patients should be investigated if their symptoms persist for more than a week and aren’t clearly tied to a viral sickness or problem,” he says.


What is the main reason for night sweats?

Menopause, drugs, infections, and hormone abnormalities are four main reasons of night sweats reported in studies.

How can I stop sweating in bed?

To reduce your chances of night sweats, do the following:

  • Consume alcohol and caffeine in moderation.
  • Don’t use tobacco or narcotics.
  • Sleep in a cooler setting.
  • Think about investing in a cooling mattress.
  • Make an effort to maintain a healthy weight.
  • If you’re going through menopause, stay away from spicy foods because they can exacerbate symptoms.
What is a good home remedy for night sweats?

Flaxseeds contain the largest amount of phytoestrogen (and flaxseed oil). Black cohosh has long been used by herbalists to treat menstruation and menopausal abnormalities, and recent studies have shown that it can help reduce night sweats for up to a year.

When should I be concerned about night sweats?

A few nights of night sweats is usually nothing to be concerned about. However, if you get frequent night sweats or other symptoms along with them, see your doctor. Fever, chills, discomfort, or unintentional weight loss are all possible symptoms.

Meet The Author


“Written by a group of passionate advocates for health tech news and life science, this blog stems from personal experience and deep-rooted interest. Join us as we explore the intricacies of sleep, driven by knowledge and a mission to improve sleep wellness.”

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