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8 Helpful Tips For Improving The Quality Of Your Sleep

Are you struggling to get a good night’s sleep? Many of us lead increasingly busy lives, so it can be difficult to make sure that we are getting enough rest. Studies have shown that inadequate sleep can cause a number of health issues like increased stress levels and a higher risk of obesity and heart disease. If better quality sleep is something you’re looking for, here are 8 helpful tips to help you achieve just that!

1. Buy a New Bed

If you have an old or uncomfortable mattress, it may be time to buy a new one. Investing in a good quality bed can make all the difference when it comes to getting a good night’s sleep. Choose a mattress that is supportive and comfortable for your body type so that you are not tossing and turning all night. A supportive pillow is also important, as this will help keep your neck and spine aligned while you sleep. According to Nationwide Contract Beds, choosing the right bed is all about finding what makes you comfortable, and also providing your body with enough support during the night. It’s a good idea to take your time and try out different mattresses before deciding which one is best for you.

2. Create a Sleep Routine

Creating a sleep routine is one of the best ways to improve your quality of sleep. This means going to bed each night and waking up every morning at roughly the same time, regardless of whether or not you have things to do during the day. Having a strict schedule allows your body?s natural circadian rhythm to adjust accordingly, making it easier for you to fall asleep and wake up feeling refreshed in the morning. Additionally, try relaxing activities before bed such as taking a warm bath, reading a book, or stretching out any tense muscles. Establishing this routine will help signal that it?s time for your body to start winding down so that when it actually comes time for you to hit the hay, you?ll be able to do so with ease.

3. Avoid Stimulants Before Bedtime

Caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, and even certain medications can have an energizing effect that can make it difficult to fall asleep. It?s best to avoid these stimulants for at least 4 hours prior to bedtime. If you need something non-alcoholic and caffeine-free as a nighttime relaxant, try a cup of herbal tea instead. Herbal teas such as chamomile or lemon balm contain mild sedative properties that may help calm the body and mind in preparation for sleep. Additionally, be mindful of how late into the evening you are eating meals or snacks; large meals too close to bedtime can interfere with your ability to sleep well.

4. Cut out Technology  Before Bed

The blue light from screens can interfere with melatonin production, so it?s best to avoid using laptops and phones for at least an hour before you plan on going to bed. Try reading a book or doing a relaxing activity instead. If you must use technology, consider downloading apps that reduce the amount of blue light given off by devices like phones and tablets. It’s also a good idea to turn off all notifications on devices so you won?t be disturbed by buzzing or flashing lights during the night.

5. Exercise Regularly

You don’t have to be a marathoner or bodybuilder to reap the rewards of regular exercise for your sleep. Even low-intensity activities like walking around your neighborhood or yoga can help you get better quality sleep by reducing stress and calming your body down before bed. Exercise also helps regulate hormones and relieve any muscle tension that might keep you up at night. Just make sure that you don’t do anything strenuous right before bed, as it could rev your heart rate and energy level back up too much.

6. Make Your Bedroom a Sleep-Friendly Environment

The environment in your bedroom affects the quality of your sleep. To achieve better sleep, make sure that your bedroom is dark, comfortable, and quiet. Make certain you have no overhead lights or bright screens that can impact the darkness of your room. Additionally, keep clutter to a minimum and make sure there are no distractions such as noise from the traffic outside or devices with blinking lights. Also, consider purchasing blackout curtains to further increase the darkness level inside your bedroom. Finally, use comfortable sheets and blankets as these will help create an inviting atmosphere for restful sleep.

7. Avoid Taking Naps During the Day

When it comes to getting a better quality of sleep, avoiding naps during the day can be key. It might seem like a good way to catch up on lost sleep or make yourself more alert, but taking naps during the day will actually affect your overall sleep quality and could even lead to insomnia. To get the best rest possible, try and avoid daytime naps as much as you can. While a short ?power nap? of 20-30 minutes can help to improve alertness, anything more than that could impact your nighttime sleep.

8. Ask for Help if Needed

If you?re struggling to get a good night?s sleep, don?t be afraid to talk to your primary care doctor. They can help you identify any underlying causes and suggest the best course of action for improving the quality of your sleep. For example, they may recommend lifestyle changes or medications that can help improve your sleep quality. Additionally, if stress or anxiety is causing difficulty with sleeping, a professional therapist might be able to provide valuable insight and assistance. Remember that there are plenty of options available for those struggling with sleep issues; all you have to do is reach out for help!

Although getting a good night’s sleep might seem like an impossible task, there are many ways to improve the quality of your sleep. By implementing lifestyle changes, such as cutting out the technology before bed and exercising regularly, and taking steps to create a comfortable, dark sleeping environment, you can greatly improve your nightly rest. If needed, don’t hesitate to ask for help or speak with your doctor about strategies that can further improve the quality of your sleep.

Meet The Author


“Written by a group of passionate advocates for health tech news and life science, this blog stems from personal experience and deep-rooted interest. Join us as we explore the intricacies of sleep, driven by knowledge and a mission to improve sleep wellness.”

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